Doover is your platform for connected things.
From a home automation project with a couple of Raspberry Pi’s to an MSP looking to deploy and manage fleets for corporate customers, Doover provides you with the tools and infrastructure to make your deployment easy.
Doover provides a ready-to-use interface for remote monitoring and control, data collection and analysis, and deployment management for linux devices. Layered over these services is a user management and permissions framework, and the option of a whitelabel web portal.

Doover is the last mobile application you need. We provide a platform that integrates with all wireless technologies to provide a one stop shop for mobile phone remote control.
We integrate with all network technologies to enable remote control right from your smart phone. We use common programming languages to enable automation with an interface right in your pocket.
Doover leverages text messages to provide real time alerts. Automation requires an interface, with Doover you can have it in your pocket.